Star Wars: A Round Up of Grocery Store Tie-In Products
Star Wars: The Force Awakens may still be a few weeks from opening in theatres, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the galaxy far far away in everyday life! Almost everywhere you look, Star Wars products are stocked on the shelves ready to supply the masses with much-needed memorabilia. However, clothing companies and toy stores are not the only places to find Resistance and First Order gear. While grocery shopping at my local Shop Rite, I found a large amount of sundry items promoting the Star Wars brand. Needless to say, every item ended up in my cart in order to supply my evil Sith husband (ok… he chose that!) with his Star Wars fix. Of course, pricing will vary by store and area. So next time you’re out getting food essentials, take a look around for some Star Wars themed yub nub:

Tooth Paste

Macaroni and Cheese




Graham Cracker Cookies

Activity Packs