Disney’s Hollywood Studios October Update

img_5499Fall has arrived in Central Florida, which means temperatures and humidity start to drop, making for beautiful days in the parks. It also the fast rehab time before the Holiday break, so lets take a look around Disney's Hollywood Studios.img_5500Sid Cahuengas One Of A Kind Shop at the entrance of the park has gone thru a few changes over the past year, going from a unique show with true Hollywood collectables to a MyMagic+ Service Center and now a meet and greet location for Donald and Daisy Duck. But at least it is not being removed to make way for more food stands...speaking of.17052356687_38bb65d75f_b

Yes that is right the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame a staple of the park since 1993 is now walled up to make way for more food options.img_5512While we are on the topic of walls... Star Wars Land and Toy Story Land have the market cornered on walls for the back corner of the park.

Here is a bit of before and current for the construction area.

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As you can see what was once a busy area of the park is now not only blocked off, it is also flattened. But with the demolition also comes new life in the form of the Muppet's themed PizzeRizzo, taking over the former Pizza Plant location this quick service restaurant will help add to the Muppet Courtyard area of the park.img_5549 img_5542Which will also draw some of the attention away from yet more construction walls for Star Wars Land right next-door to Muppet*Vision 3D.img_5550 img_5545 img_5544As for the rest of the park, One Man's Dream is currently show the Doctor Strange Sneak Peek as work continues for a rumored preview area for Disney's Animal Kingdom expansion Pandora: The World of Avatar.img_5530 img_5532 img_5531The buzz around the Star Wars Launch Bay is that new props and a "making of" film for the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story should be moving in any day.img_5534 img_5535Another update from the world of Lucas came in the form of the Ark of the Covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark being pulled out of the dusty warehouse it had been stored in and placed for all to see in the lobby area of the Great Movie Ride.

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Lastly as we head out of the park, preparation for the upcoming holiday nighttime spectacular "Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!" is underway as the "snow" machines are placed along the roof tops of Hollywood Blvd.img_5568

Remember everyone — have a safe and sane Halloween and make sure you vote on November 8th!

Jeremiah Good
Our main correspondent for Walt Disney World and the Orlando area and a heck of a paleontologist if he does say so himself.