WDW Millennium: Tapestry of Nations and Illuminations 2000, Tapestry III - LaughingPlace.com: Disney World, Disneyland and More

WDW Millennium: Tapestry of Nations and Illuminations 2000
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Behind the Scenes
Tapestry of Nations consists of 120 puppets, 15 rolling percussion stages, 30 drummers and 150 live performers in all. The puppets were designed by artist Michael Curry whose work includes award-winning creations for The Lion King on Broadway. They tower nearly 20 feet, and are a collection of 120 designs in eight basic styles. They're made up of gossamer and gold squares, mirror-plated circles, flapping wings, vivid geometrics and colorful panels.

The musical score for Tapestry of Nations is by Hollywood film composer Gavin Greenaway and was supervised by Oscar-winning composer Hans Zimmer (The Lion King). It was recorded by a 71-piece philharmonic orchestra and a 30-voice chorus. The music starts slowing and builds throughout the performance as the celebration heralds the arrival of the new millennium. The soundtrack, and sound samples, for both Tapestry of Nations and Illuminations 2000: Reflections of Earth are available on Amazon.com.

The Puppets
Each of the puppets in Tapestry of Nations has its own personality:

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Sage of Time and drum float approaches.
The Sage of Time is fatherly, wise and spiritual

The Sprite is feminine, shy and fragile
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The silver and gold float carrying the drummers approaches

Angel Girl is
graceful, free and beautiful

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Hammered Man kneels to interact with those lining the procession's route

Aztec Man described as primitive, precise and angular.

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The Inverted Marionette is
toy-like, tender and gentle

Hammered Man is described as futuristic, agile, and strong

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A view of the Tapestry of Nations across the Lagoon