Editor's Report
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"Welcome to Fantasmic!"
A Good Day
As part of my job running LaughingPlace.com, I have to go to Disneyland at least
once a week, usually more (I know, tough work but somebody's got to do it). I'm usually
there for only a few hours walking around the resort, taking pictures, talking with Cast
Members and generally keeping up with what's going on. Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm
not complaining. I've never had as much fun as I've had doing this site. Still, sometimes
it's nice to just hang out at Disneyland, and that's exactly what we did on Easter Sunday.
My wife and I, along with some of the LaughingPlace.com contributors ate Easter brunch at the Disneyland Pacific Hotel. We played with Pluto and Sleeping Beauty, watched the kids paint and hunt for Easter eggs in the lobby and generally had a good time. Afterwards we went to Disneyland, laid out a blanket by the Rivers of America and waited for Fantasmic! We got there around 3:00 p.m., the show started at 9:00 p.m. Six hours talking, laughing, reading and thinking while canoes, the Mark Twain and the Columbia sailed by. As nightfall drew near the rivercraft stopped and we watched the area slowly transform from tranqulity to the hustle and bustle that is Fantasmic! Light towers came out of the ground, fog machines were tested and the crowds came. By the time 9:00 p.m. rolled around we were more than ready for the show. And what a show it was! It had been months since I'd seen it and when it was over I once again remembered why I think Fantasmic! is the best thing in a Disney theme park.
Afterward we enjoyed "Believe ... There's Magic in the Stars" from a new vantage point then made our way out of the Magic Kingdom. A perfect end to a perfect day!
This Week
This week's Trivia Contest is all about the films the
Sherman Brothers did music for and this week's Online Poll asks the
question "Which is your favorite Walt Disney World thrill ride?"
-- Doobie Moseley (April 25, 2000)
Editor's Report: Doobie's look at the world of Disney and what's coming up on LaughingPlace.com in the coming week.
The Editor's Report is posted every Tuesday.