The Fabulous Disney Babe - Jun 7, 2002

The Fabulous Disney Babe
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(c) Disney

Want a Naked Mole Rat? Sure you do!

Send the correct answer to these ten simple questions and you'll have one of your very own. A plush Rufus, I should tell you. The live ones are mighty stinky. We'll draw a name from all those getting the most correct. Answers can be emailed to [email protected].

Thanks to Walt Disney Television Animation for sending these for Doobie to give to you, instead of live stinky naked ones. (Note: this is probably the only time I'll ever get away with using the phrase "live stinky naked ones" on, so enjoy!)

  1. What is the name of the Mexican fast-food joint featured prominently in the show?
  2. What word does Ron use to describe his dancing skills?
  3. What does Gil change his name to?
  4. What other three camps share the lake with Camp Wannaweep?
  5. What did Kim do for hairstylist Francois?
  6. Why did Kim and Ron go to Paris?
  7. What is Señor Senor's son's name?
  8. How did Senor Senor learn to be evil, and why?
  9. What was the password to override the deathbot?
  10. Who does Kim have a crush on?

Send your answers to [email protected].

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-- Michelle Smith

Michelle Smith can be reached using the Talkback form below or by emailing her at [email protected].

The Fabulous Disney Babe's column is posted every Friday and whenever else she has something to say. For more on Michelle's background, see her first column. She also offers The Fabulous Tour: Disneyland Secrets and Stories. Click here for more information.

The opinions expressed by our Michelle Smith, and all of our columnists, do not necessarily represent the feelings of or any of its employees or advertisers. All speculation and rumors about the future plans of the Walt Disney Company are just that - speculation and rumors - and should be treated as such.

-- Posted June 7, 2002

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