The Fabulous Disney Babe - Nov 22, 2002

The Fabulous Disney Babe
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Last night, Alice and I got a sneak preview of Treasure Planet - I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, as I'm not a huge fan of action films.  The characters are fleshed out beautifully - the writing on this one is gorgeous.  Martin Short's one-note performance as B.E.N. is even saved by the script, and made to seem much more sympathetic.

The real treat, however, was Port of Discovery, which is in a tent in back of the El Capitan instead of the building next door.  There's more to do there than in most theme parks, and Alice was delighted, especially with B.E.N.s Backyard and the fact that most of the exhibits there were science-based.

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We then went across the street to admire the House Banners at Grauman's.  Port of Discovery was worth the three-plus-hour drive - I highly recommend it.   Call 1-800-DISNEY6 for tickets.

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I know many of you have been wondering about David Mumford's progress - he's had an incredibly difficult time of it, but it looks as if all of those prayers are working - don't stop.

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-- Michelle Smith

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-- Posted November 22, 2002

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