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Being a Triviateer was the ultimate reward for a lot of hard work. Many of the contestants simply immersed themselves in all things Disney to prepare. A lot of cast members studied Disney books, including the "Ultimate Disney Trivia Book" series by Dave Smith and fellow Triviateer Kevin Neary, winner of the 1991 contest. Some would rent Disney movies from video stores - even traveling to out-of-state rental places to find new titles. There was a lot of note taking, including illegible ones scribbled in darkened movie theaters. And fellow cast members and family members would constantly be quizzing them. Many Triviateers said that they'd do the contest again in a heartbeat, that it was a very personally rewarding experience.

"My dad said I set a great example for my daughters," reflected Barb. "They saw me working hard for something I dearly wanted and I was able to reap the rewards of all that hard work. I saw it as a time when I came into my own - I wasn't somebody's wife or daughter or mom. I could just be me."

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The Triviateers are treated to a parade down Main Street U.S.A. This picture is from 1993's trivia finals.

For many contestants, though, it was simply the chance to meet and interact with other people who shared their knowledge and passion for Disney that meant so much to them. After the stress and anxiety of the contest was over, lifelong friends were made. Being a Triviateer is a special bond that is shared between very few people. Some Triviateers are hoping to reunite at the Disneyland Resort next year. And two former contestants are even engaged to marry one another.

With the Disney Store no longer hosting a National Trivia Showdown for its cast members, Triviateers will remain but a small footnote in the history of the Disney Company. With a few exceptions, not many people knew about the Triviateers, even in their heyday. And as time goes by perhaps fewer still will remember them. Maybe the most fitting tribute to the 50 men and women who put their Disney knowledge on the line would be if their legacy is remembered as the answer to a trivia question - "By what name were the Disney Store National Trivia Showdown Finalists collectively known?"


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-- Posted June 28, 2001
-- Story Matthew Walker
-- Pictures and artwork courtesy Kevin Burke, Steve Burns, Sue Ann Finstick, Gary Pyle and Matt Walker

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