Living the Disney Life: Homecoming - Mar 21, 2007

Living the Disney Life: Homecoming
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After walking around Tomorrowland (or me-land, as I like to call it), we stopped in at our favorite Fantasyland dark ride, Pinocchio before heading over to Disney's California Adventure.

Dark Ride Fun

As special as DIsneyland is, Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom is a reasonable facsimile. But there's nothing like DCA at WDW (which some would consider a good thing!). I've always been a big fan of DCA and I really enjoyed my visit on this day. Our first stop was the Monsters, Inc. ride which was new to us. I had heard it was good so my expectations were reasonably high, but this exceeded them. It's just very well done all around, an excellent, traditional dark ride. Lots and lots of fun. Next we went to one of the best spots in any theme park, the lobby of Disney Animation,  where we sat and enjoyed the view for a few minutes.

Green??? Still pretty cool, though

Then we toured the rest of the park. Dinosaur Jack has always been one of my favorites - even in his new green. And it was great to see PUSH the talking trashcan (at least that's his WDW name) over in Redwood Creek. And the beautiful view of Grizzly Peak was made all the better but the fact that the rafts were, indeed, spinning on the drop.

Back to Disneyland. Rebekah really wanted to see the new Disney Gallery exhibit. She grew up on the Little Golden Books and really appreciated their appearance there. Then one more trip to Billy Hill and the Hillbillies before saying goodbye to Disneyland again...

...but not goodbye to the Resort. Because no trip to Disneyland would be complete without a trip to the Napa Rose - the best Disney restaurant in the world. And this was the perfect end to a wonderful day as we ran into many old friends there that we'd known for years and got updates on others. One had a new baby, another just celebrated 10 years, another was made a manager and another is out of town completing his Master Sommelier.

Now that's an ending!

A Happy Homecoming, indeed!

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-- Doobie Moseley
-- Posted March 21, 2007

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