Behind the Scenes of Disney on Ice: Toy Story 3,

Behind the Scenes of Disney on Ice: Toy Story 3
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Disney On Ice: Disney�Pixar�s Toy Story 3

Ages: Recommended for all ages

Prior to assembly this package contains small parts and large dreams.

This is a story about friendship. Some segments may tug at your heartstrings and, for adults, take you back to your own childhood.

Protective eyegear is not required during the production, however wearing a smile is inevitable.

Do not ingest pieces. Toys are friends, not food.

No toy will be left behind.

Behind the Scenes looks at Toy Story 3

Step 1: Gather All Components

So here we have this idea, this pile of raw materials, as the artisans begin to envision how to put them all together: how to mold, cut, color, sew and build them into the toy of our dreams. While it truly is a meeting of many creative minds, much of the overall look falls squarely on the shoulders of Production Designer, Joe Stewart.

�I design the look of the show and the props, so, the set and generally the environment of the way the show works.� Stewart said. �And I work in concert with the director and the lighting designer - and of course in that show we have projections on the ice and everything - about how the storytelling is going to work. So I help in any way I can with the physical environment.�

With so many technological advances at one�s disposal today, Stewart had some choices to make in how to best bring that environment into the venues. �I was torn - I went down 2 different avenues in this, about how to present it. I wasn�t sure, in the storytelling, if we were going to need to have a projection screen, and how we were going to do that, and the question was, could I do the show scenically without a projection screen - �cause in a lot of shows now you have projection screens. I didn�t know. So part of my process was to figure out the storytelling: could I hit the beats and take the audience, basically, to the necessary locations that they needed to go to understand the storytelling through just the way the scenery worked? And we did! [Through] the thought patterns, and a couple of good conversations with the director everything worked out great.�