Final Trivia Contest Now Underway

One of the original features of is our weekly Trivia Contest. They started on August 1, 1999 with the rest of the website and actually pre-date as they were a part of Doobie's Disneyland Home Page, the first website I ever created. Our current contest, #586, was posted last Sunday. I'm sad to report, this contest, appropriately entitled Memories, is also our last. We've decided to stop doing them - at least for now. LP would like to thank Mark Wharff who has created and graded the contests since 2002 and Matt Walker who did them before that. Please feel free to enter this final contest and say a word of thanks to Mark at the bottom in the comments section. And all you regulars, don't worry all contests will be graded and the Top 10 list updated with the final results before long. Thank you again Mark and Matt!