Walt Disney World Weather Report for May 31 Weekend from @WDW_Weather

I think it's safe to say that this past Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer for the Sunshine State and in the words of the Ghost Host ... there's no turning back now ... the heat was on and it will stay on most likely through the start of the Food and Wine.  The only change will be as the next couple of weeks unfold ... wait for it ... more afternoon rain!  You could almost feel the moisture screaming in from the south during parts of the weekend - but really there were only a few spotty flare up storms.  This will all change as we formally enter our wet season - oh and don't forget about the Atlantic hurricane season starting tomorrow!  It sure seems as if I am the bearer of good news today aren't I?  

So without further delay - today will be shockingly just like the last few days - ramp up the wind a bit so that will make things feel a little nicer ... or like a convection oven at the very least.  Temperatures will make it to around 90 though a few degrees warmer is not out of the question.  If I can offer any solace to this blast furnace pretty much everyone east of the Mississippi is under a tremendous ridge of high pressure which is forcing heat indexes all the way up to the DC area into the triple digits!  Chance for precipitation is basically about 20 percent or lower ... and we could use the rain as much as it is a nuisance to your vacation because the fire danger is getting a bit out of hand with how dry things are.

More of the same as we go into mid and end of the week ... ridge may break down heading into the weekend.