Debbie Reynolds Reveals Granddaughter is in Star Wars: The Force Awakens
On the occasion of receiving the SAG Lifetime Achievement Award, CNN interviewed screen legend Debbie Reynolds. The Halloween Town actress revealed that her granddaughter is joining her daughter, Carrie
Fisher, in appearing in Star Wars: The Force Awakens:
How did you feel about your daughter following you into the business? And now returning to the Star Wars franchise?
George Lucas is a great producer, and I'm very grateful to him for giving my daughter an opportunity to play a great part. My first [big] role was "Singin' in the Rain," and my daughter's first [big] role was "Star Wars." I had one bun for a hairdo, and Carrie had two buns! She just finished the new "Star Wars" — and my granddaughter, Billie Lourd, is playing a role in it, too! It's very exciting to see my granddaughter jumping into the fray also.