Disneyland Resort Updates Guests About the Measles
As you may know from the news, exposure to measles has become a more widespread concern throughout Orange County and across California. As part of our commitment to the health and well-being of our cast, guests and the larger community, we are taking significant steps at the Disneyland Resort that I wanted to share with you.
Once the Orange County Health Care Agency notified us of this issue, we began working with them to inform our cast and raise awareness. We have 27,000 cast members, and a very small number of them tested positive. In a relatively short period of time, they have been medically cleared to return to work. In addition, cast members who may have come in close contact with those who tested positive are being tested for immunity to the virus. While awaiting results, they have been put on paid leave until medically cleared to return to work. We are providing free vaccinations to all of our cast members and are actively encouraging them to receive a vaccination.
As the California Department of Public Health has said: “Measles is highly contagious and highly preventable through vaccinations. CDPH is urging caution to individuals who are not vaccinated, especially infants under 12 months. Any place where large numbers of people congregate and there are a number of international visitors, like airports, shopping malls and tourist attractions, you may be more likely to find measles, which should be considered if you are not vaccinated. It is absolutely safe to visit these places, including the Disneyland Resort, if you are vaccinated. Therefore, CDPH recommends that anyone not already immunized against measles gets immunized at this time. Two doses of measles-containing vaccine (MMR vaccine) are more than 99 percent effective in preventing measles. If you are unsure of your vaccination status, check with your doctor to have a test to check for measles immunity or to receive vaccination.” – Dr. Gil Chavez, State Epidemiologist and Deputy Director, Center for Infectious Diseases, California Department of Public Health
The OC Health Department provides more detailed information on its website (http://ochealthinfo.com/), and as always, your personal physician is a valuable resource for specific medical questions you may have. If you have any questions about visiting the Disneyland Resort, please call 714-781-4565.