Hasbro Launching “Bladebuilders” to Build Your Own Lightsaber



635593062832106088-blade-buildersSimilar to the Create Your Own Lightsaber experience available at Disney Parks, USA Today is reporting that Hasbro will be launching a "Bladebuilders" line of toys.

"Star Wars is such a magical property and in particular the lightsaber is — and I think everyone would agree — the most iconic weapon of all time," says Kim Boyd, senior director of the Star Wars brand for Hasbro. While the company has offered various roleplay lightsaber toys over the years, "this is the first time we've given kids the chance to customize through an entire system."

The main set includes a lightsaber with lights and electronic sounds, a pair of lightdaggers, an expansion hilt and a variety of connectors for $49.99. Additional expansion sets will be available.

The line is expected to launch this fall.