Marvel Comic News – Miles Morales Braves A Whole New Universe in SPIDER-MAN #1!
Miles Morales Braves A Whole New Universe in SPIDER-MAN #1!
“Four years ago, we peeled back Spider-Man’s iconic mask to reveal a new and different face, and readers of all stripes have embraced him,” says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “I’m excited to announce that Miles Morales is here to stay – and this Fall, he’s going to be swinging through the heart of the Marvel Universe. Can new friends and enemies be far behind?”
A stranger in a strange land, Miles patrols the rooftops of a New York City that is very different from the one he knew. A world where countless heroes guard it’s skies and streets. A world where Miles is counted among the ranks of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers. A world where Peter Parker is still alive. Though their paths have crossed before the landmark series Spider-Men, with Miles now living in Peter’s universe – is this town big enough for two Spider-Men? More importantly – how did Miles come to be here in the first place?!
“This is a very big deal to [Sarah and I],” says Brian Michael Bendis in an interview with “For [Miles] to have grown up and flat-out earned his place in the Marvel Universe, as Spider-Man, is frankly so much more than we could have hoped for when we first sat down to design him and his life. When it became clear that I was going to follow Miles into this new adventure I was really hoping that Sara would see the value in it being both of us that do this together. I was thrilled that she agreed immediately.”
Critically lauded for his resonant and relevant introduction, Miles Morales made headlines the world over with his explosive introduction in 2011. Now, the chart-topping team of Bendis & Pichelli begin the epic next chapter of Miles Morales’ life is about to begin. Where will you be when he makes his thunderous arrival into our universe?
Swing into action with Miles Morales, the Marvel Universe’s newest amazing, spectacular, sensational, friendly neighborhood wallcrawler later this year with SPIDER-MAN #1!
SPIDER-MAN #1 Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Art & Cover by SARA PICHELLI Coming Fall 2015!
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