Marvel Announces Panels for New York Comic Con
Marvel has announced their participation in New York Comic Con which is occurring October 8-11. Among the highly anticipated topics will be Netflix's new Jessica Jones series and the "All-New, All-Different Marvel" publishing initiative.
Breaking into Comics the Marvel Way
Thu. October 8| 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM | Room 1A21
Are you a Writer or Artist? Ever dream of working for Marvel? Do you find yourself thinking, “I could do that…if I knew how!” Well, here’s your chance! Join Marvel Talent Scouts C.B. Cebulski and Rickey Purdin along with a host of Marvel talent to find out the answers on how to get your foot in the door and make your job MARVEL!
MARVEL: House of Ideas
Thu. October 8| 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM | Room 1A21
Love having the best comics in the industry on your mobile devices? Want to know how Marvel stays on the cutting edge of technology? Then this panel is for you, True Believer! Get exciting news about what’s happening on the Marvel Comics App, Marvel Unlimited and MORE in this can’t-miss panel! Plus: Be here for the latest and greatest directly from Marvel Games! Panelists include Executive Editorial Director of Digital Ryan Penagos, Marvel Games Creative Director Bill Rosemann, and other Mighty Marvel Guests!
MARVEL: Iron Man & the Avengers
Fri. October 9| 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM | Room 1A06
Iron Man takes flight into a new era of Marvel comics! Get ready for an exciting new announcement about everyone’s favorite Shell-Head. Plus, we’ve got the 411 on a whole slew of new titles, including Sam Wilson: Captain America, Astonishing Ant-Man, Angela: Queen of Hel, and more! This is one you cannot miss! Panelists include Editor Tom Brevoort with writers Marguerite Bennett (A-Force), Nick Spencer (Ant-Man), and other Mighty Marvel Guests!
Marvel Animation Presents
Fri. October 9| 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Room 1A06
Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Head of Television) brings you the biggest animation Panel in this universe – or any other. Get an exclusive first look at new episodes from Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man: Web-Warriors as well as glimpses of exciting new Marvel series and seasons on Disney XD!
Marvel Television Presents: Agents of Primetime
Fri. October 9| 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM | Main Stage 1-D Presented by AT&T
Jeph Loeb (Marvel's Head of Television) returns with exciting news about your favorite Marvel agents on ABC! Be the first to see an all-new episode of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. before it airs on ABC and find out what's ahead for Peggy and Jarvis in the upcoming season of Marvel's Agent Carter!
All-New All-Different Marvel
Sat. October 10| 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM | Room 1A10
The landscape of the All-New All-Different Marvel Universe expands even further in this can’t-miss Panel! We’ve got more announcements than you shake a stick at, plus some exciting discussion of new and upcoming series with Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso and Editors Jordan D. White and Katie Kubert, as well as Writers Gerry Duggan (Deadpool), Dennis Hopeless (All-New X-Men) and David Walker (Fury)!
Sat. October 10| 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM | Empire Stage 1-E
Join us for this Convention favorite! Here is your chance to Q&A with Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada, for this no-holds-barred Panel on everything Marvel. Got a question about a favorite hero? Want to hear ground-breaking news straight from the source? This Panel is for you! With announcements galore, plus discussion of Spider-Man titles, Star Wars titles, and more, you do not want to miss this Panel! Panelists include writers Dan Slott (Amazing Spider-Man), Charles Soule (Lando), Kieron Gillen (Darth Vader), Al Ewing (Contest of Champions)!
Sat. October 10| 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM | Empire Stage 1-E
Marvel Unlimited+ Members Only Panel*
Sun. October 11| 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM | Room 1A21
This exclusive Panel is just for Marvel Unlimited Plus members! Join Executive Editorial Director of Digital Ryan Penagos and top Marvel Creators for a private Panel discussion of what’s happening inside the Marvel Universe. Get FREE merchandise, sneak peeks of upcoming Marvel comics, a Q&A session to answer all your burning questions and more surprises to be announced. Not to be missed! Marvel Unlimited Plus Members ONLY – show your Member Card or confirmation email at the door for access to the event! *Merchandise available while supplies last.
Women of Marvel
Sun. October 11| 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | Room 1A06
From Ms. Marvel to the A-Force, from Twitter to tumblr, women in comics has been one of the most talked-about topics in comics recently. Join the conversation as women from multiple disciplines in the creative process at Marvel discuss what it’s like working as a woman in comics today and what it means for the future of the industry! Panelists include Content Development Director Sana Amanat, Producer Judy Stephens, Social Media Manager Adri Cowan, Assistant Editor Emily Shaw, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Costume Designer Ann Foley and more Mighty Marvel Guests to be announced!
The All-New, All-Different Marvel Heroes 2016
Sun. October 11| 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM | Room 1A18
Marvel Heroes 2015 soon becomes Marvel Heroes 2016--so what's that mean for the future of your favorite free-to-play action-RPG set in the Marvel Universe? See what Gazillion has in store for the rest of 2015 and into next year, including new character reveals, new features and more. Expect some fun surprises, and come with some good questions for the Q&A session. Panelists include Gazillion CEO David Brevik (creator of Diablo) and others from the dev team.