Marvel Shares New Details About New Ant-Man Series

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This October, the smallest hero with the biggest heart is back! But is he still a hero? Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look inside THE ASTONISHING ANT-MAN #1 – the brand-new series from the red-hot creative team of Nick Spencer & Ramon Rosanas! Scott Lang was once a down-on-his-luck divorced ex-con – until he stole size altering technology from world renowned scientist Hank Pym in order to save his daughter’s life. It’s been a long road for Scott, turning over a new leaf and becoming a hero in his own right as Ant-Man. But when a curveball completely upends Scott’s entire life, will he continue to be a hero? Or is that the push he needs to return to his life of crime? Find out this October when Spencer & Rosanas bring you THE ASTONISHING ANT-MAN #1!