Changes Expected as a Result of the Recent Alligator Attack at Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian

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Sources have told us a few changes that can be expected as a result of the recent alligator attack of a toddler at Walt Disney World:
  • Signs warning guests of alligators will be added
  • No crocodile jokes at the Jungle Cruise
  • Crock will be removed from the Festival of Fantasy parade
  • Louis the alligator will be removed from the new "Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire" castle show set to debut on Friday
  • The Electrical Water Pageant will remain on hiatus
We do not know which of these changes are temporary or permanent.

UPDATE 6/17 5:33p ET

As reported by the New York Daily News, Walt Disney Vice President Jacquee Whaler has said the following: 

We are installing signage and temporary barriers at our resort beach locations and are working on permanent, long-term solutions at our beaches.

Construction has already begun as can be seen here:

They also have a picture of what is purported to be what the new signs will look like: