EW Releases New “Rogue One” Info, Confirms Major Character Cameo

As rumors continue to swirl about whether or not the first Star Wars spinoff film, Rogue One, is having issues, the film will be featured on the latest cover of Entertainment Weekly. As part of the magazine's profile, new info about the project is being revealed including confirmation that none other than Darth Vader will in fact appear.


The EW issue will also include a rundown of some of the new characters including Baze Malbus, K-2SO, and of course Jyn Erso. Additionally, the closely-guarded secret of who Forest Whitaker's character (as seen in the teaser trailer) is has also been uncovered. Whitaker plays Saw Gerrera, a freedom fighter who actually appeared in season five of the animated series The Clone Wars. For more info, EW has a full story on this character as well.


This packed issue of Entertainment Weekly featuring Rogue One will hit newsstands this Friday.