Walt Disney World to Introduce Express Transportation Option for Park Hopping
In case you haven't noticed, lately Walt Disney World has been testing several upgrade options (such as the private water taxis, the recent riverboat Ice Cream Socials, or the infamous Tomorrowland cabanas) intended to make the park going experience a little easier for those who can afford the add ons. Now comes news that another addition in that vein is arriving next week.
Beginning December 7th, Walt Disney World will introduce a new offering called Express Transportation. Instead of park hopping guests heading out to the normal pick up queues to head to their next destination, guests who purchase Express Transportation will visit kiosks inside of the parks and be taken through backstage areas to catch their ride. The service is priced at $15 per person for a single day or $24 per person for multiple days. Annual Passport holders and Cast Members can also partake in the service for the same $15 per person price. Vehicles are scheduled to depart every 30 minutes.
Guests who purchase Park Hopper tickets can add this service by visiting Guest Relations. Also note that the service in only between parks and does not include rides to your hotel.