Walt Disney World Debuts New Security Checkpoint Arrangement

Last week Walt Disney World announced a series of changes that would be coming to the security checkpoints. Today those adjustments went into effect, bringing bag checks to the Transporation and Ticket Center as well as Resort Monorail stations and other locations:

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The upside is that this means that many guests arriving to Magic Kingdom by Monorail can head directly from the the Magic Kingdom Monorail Station or the Magic Kingdom Ferryboat Dock into the park without having to go through a bag check:

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However, there are still some security screenings at Magic Kingdom for guests arriving by bus or walking from the Contemporary Resort. Additionally, there are screenings for guests boarding resort launches.

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As mentioned, Resort Monorail stations now each have their own security checkpoints. This means that, if you're resort hopping, you'll need to re-enter security before getting back on the monorail:

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Additionally, as it stands now, guests taking the Monorail to Epcot are checked at the TTC and then rechecked outside of Epcot.

Jeremiah Good
Our main correspondent for Walt Disney World and the Orlando area and a heck of a paleontologist if he does say so himself.