Disney Patent Could Give Guests the Sensation of Swinging From a Web

A new ride system patent filed by Disney could find guests standing in for the likes of Tarzan or even Spider-Man. As the Orlando Business Journal reports, Disney has filed a patent for a "Track-based Swing Ride with Long Arm Pendulum," which as the name implies, would move a swinging pendulum along a track. That might sound terribly exciting but the description provided in the patent application may perk up your ears:

One goal in designing the ride system was to deliver an experience similar to what it would feel like to be with Tarzan or a similar character swinging between trees of a jungle on a vine or with Spider-Man or a similar character swinging on webs between buildings as you move down streets of a city. [The ride is] intended to have swinging sensation provided while also having forward travel along a ride path in a direction of travel and for the swinging sensation to feel thrilling and fun.
It should be noted that this is by no means any confirmation of a Spider-Man ride coming to a Disney park... but that would make a fair bit of sense considering the Marvel expansion that's been teased for the Disneyland Resort. Meanwhile, Walt Disney World fans will surely know that, unless a major change takes place, a Spider-Man ride in that resort wouldn't be possible as one already exists at nearby Universal Islands of Adventure. However, it's also possible that these character examples are just red herrings.

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Of course, like with other Disney patents, there's also no guarantee the company will utilize this technology in the near future or ever. Still, it's definitely an interesting concept and one with a few very obvious applications.