Disney to Contribute $1.5 Million to Meet Me At the Park Campaign

The arrival of April means two things, spring is here, and it's Earth Month. As the weather grows pleasantly warmer, it's a great time to get outdoors and connect with family, friends, and nature. Disney agrees and has announced that they will contribute $1.5 million to the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) in support of their Meet Me at the Park program. Meet Me at the Park makes it possible for communities all throughout the US to apply for grants to improve and enhance their parks and playgrounds. The best part is everyone can get involved! Individuals can vote online for their favorite projects in 15 US cities including Los Angeles, Orlando, and New York. Each vote helps to determine which community will receive $20,000 in grant money to fund their projects. Additionally, voters can write-in nominations for their own communities. The write-in community with the most nominations will also receive a $20,000 grant. Voting will take place through April 30th. You can learn more from the Disney Parks Blog.