“High Fidelity” Series Being Developed for Disney Streaming Service
With Disney's streaming service set to launch next year, the company is currently in the process of developing various projects to bring to the platform. According to Deadline, among the new series in the works is one based on the 2000 film High Fidelity (which itself is based on a Nick Hornby novel). Although that film starred John Cusack as a record store owner, the site says the series will likely feature a female in the lead — also a record store owner who will chronicle her past relationships. It should also be noted that, while the original film was rated R, the show will take on a PG-13 tone in order to fit with the Disney-branded service. The project is being written by Veronica West and Sarah Kucserka and being produced by Midnight Radio and ABC Signature Studios. Other shows and films currently in the works for Disney's streaming service include a live-action Lady and the Tramp film, a Monsters Inc. series, and a High School Musical show. Disney's streaming platform is set to launch in 2019.