Disney Tickets Stolen from California FFA Box Trailer

According to a report from The Orange County Register, thieves stole 8,000 Disney tickets yesterday, from a Galt, California Future Farmers of America (FFA) club. The Sacramento branch of the youth organization was preparing to travel to Anaheim for their annual Leadership Conference.

Disney Tickets Stolen from FFA California Headquarters

What we know:

  • A box trailer belonging to one of the agricultural organization's clubs in Galt, California was stolen from their headquarters on Wednesday morning around 3:10 am.
  • According to the Club's Facebook page, the trailer contained audio and video equipment, registration materials (but no personal student information), and awards that belonged to the club and was to be used at an annual Leadership Conference in Anaheim this Sunday.
  • Authorities report video footage showed the suspect vehicle to be a dark pick-up.
  • As of today, the trailer has not yet been found.
  • ABC 30 in Fresno, CA covered the story in a news segment reporting that the conference has been held in Fresno for decades and this is the first year it's to be in Anaheim.
The Disney Connection:
  • The trailer also contained 8,000 tickets to Disney California Adventure.
  • Disney has invalidated the stolen tickets and reissued new tickets to the group.
  • Guests purchasing tickets should be wary of the sources they are buying from and only purchase from Disney verified sellers.
Past Disney ticket issues:

Disney has worked hard to combat the unauthorized selling and distribution of park tickets on both domestic coasts as well as internationally. Disney is known to enforce termination of Cast Members who are caught selling tickets.