Entertainment Weekly has “Incredibles 2” Exclusive
Entertainment Weekly has just released an Incredibles 2 exclusive scoop on the upcoming Pixar film. The article gives readers a stronger backstory of the brother sister duo who want to bring super heroes back into the public eye. Marc Snetiker has the latest news:
Who's new:
- Winston and Evelyn Deavor are sibling duo who want to help legalize super heroes again
- They run a telecommunications company and believe they have the resources necessary to help paint the heroes in good light.
- The Deavors have a connection to Supers in their past.
- The film will introduce us to other new characters and returning favorites as Disney announced back in January.
- The folks behind Incredibles 2 are heroes in their own right. As Alex reported this week, both Incredibles and Incredibles 2 moved up to earlier release dates than originally planned meaning in order to pull this off, they'd have to be pretty super.
- Incredibles 2 picks up moments after the 2004 movie ended and has the Parr family combating the criminal attempts of The Underminer. Catch phrase: "I'm always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me."
- Supers are have been in hiding for a long time after the government and public no longer wanted to deal with the consequences and costs associated with saving the day.
- There's a new villain in town named the Screenslaver.
- Craig T Nelson, on Mr. Incredible's feelings about staying home: “It’s hard for him. He feels rejected. He certainly doesn’t feel empowered. He feels that he’s been put into the secondary role and he’s not used to that. In a way, I would think he’s finding a little bit of humiliation. But the great thing about him is that he’s willing to go through that so that the family is taken care of.”
- Brad Bird on the ending of Incredibles: “It puts the public’s myth of Supers back on the table. Often, things percolate underneath in society and you don’t even know that something’s about to bubble up, but it’s sitting there, just waiting for some inciting event.
- Brad Bird on the return of the Supers: This movie presupposes that once the crowds get a little taste of what superheroes were and are, they kind of miss them. That doesn’t mean that everybody misses them… but the populace is starting to question their banning of Supers.”
- Winston Deavor (voiced by Bob Odenkirk): “MAKE ALL SUPERS LEGAL AGAIN!”
Incredibles 2 arrives into theaters on June 15th