Union Workers Protest Wages at Disneyland Entrance
Today, Disneyland Resort Union workers protested at the resort over hourly wage negotiations.
Photo from Orange County Register
What happened:
- The Orange County Register reported that about 150 cast members and Union workers protested at Disneyland today.
- Workers reportedly marched up to Disneyland gates banging drums and chanting, "They make the money, we make the magic."
- Disneyland and the local unions have been negotiating for almost a year to come to a contract agreement. Most of the discussion is in regards to hourly wages.
- Two weeks ago, Disney announced they plan to increase certain workers' wages by 36% by the year 2020.
- Many have pointed out that while the company has been profitable, they haven't passed those profits down to their hardworking employees.
What they're saying:
- Martin Gonzales custodial Cast Member: “We want Disney to realize that we’re asking for fair wages, the ability to have a good job and be able to support ourselves.”
- Disney spokeswoman Suzi Brown: “We currently are negotiating one of the largest union contracts at Disneyland Resort, with an offer that increases starting wages by 36 percent over three years, paying $15 an hour by 2020 – two years ahead of California’s minimum wage. In addition, we are launching an education program that will help hourly cast members pursue skills and degrees to further their careers. We are proud of our commitment to our cast, and the fact that more people choose to work at Disneyland Resort than anywhere else in Orange County.”
- Disneyland Resort guest Peter Cook of Canada: "You’d think for a $100 just to get in the gate, they could afford to pay their workers more.”
- Last week, Senator Bernie Sanders criticized Disney for employee wages. He was quoted saying, “If a corporation like Disney has enough to pay its CEO over $400 million in a four-year period, it damn well has enough to pay its workers at least 15 bucks an hour."
- In April a Union sponsored study was shared at the Anaheim City Council meeting. Coverage of the study was reported in Orange County Register, however the paper didn't cover Disney's side of the story. A spokesperson for the company shared their opinions in a letter to the editor.