J.J. Abrams and Son to Write a New Spider-Man Comic for Marvel
Director J.J. Abrams has already left his mark on the Star Wars franchise, with The Rise of Skywalker set to hit theaters later this year, and now he’s branching into another popular universe. Abrams is slated to write a new Spider-Man comic book for Marvel Comics, according to the New York Times.
- Abrams and his 20-year-old son Henry will pen the new comic while artist Sara Pichelli will draw and Dave Stewart will color.
- The new five-part series will introduce a new villain named Cadaverous who will cause all kinds of problems for the wall-crawler.
- The cover of the first issue (seen above) is by artist Olivier Coipel.
- The Abramses’ new Spider-Man series will be available in September.
What they’re saying:
- J.J. Abrams: “I remember working in a comic store in high school and there was the Amazing Fantasy comic that Spider-Man first appeared in that they had under glass. It really wasn’t until that job that I started to get into comics. And while I’ve never been the die-hard comics fan that Henry is, I’ve always appreciated the way that an emotional and weirdly relatable story is being told through this extraordinary circumstance.”
- Henry Abrams: “I feel like I’ve developed not just as a writer, but someone that can appreciate stories more. Spider-Man is one of those superheroes where the more you read about him, for me at least, the less I understand him. He’s so anti-everything that you’d expect from a hero. I think Stan Lee said something about putting the human in superhuman. That is what we’re trying to do.”
- J.J. on working with his son: “It’s been wild for me from having worked with writers for many years to work with my son on something and to get pages back after we’ve talked through an outline. To be honest, I wasn’t sure going into it what it would be like — neither of us were.”