New Animated Special “Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri” Premieres Today
Get ready Marvel fans, a new Marvel Rising special is heading this way! This new animated episode will feature Shuri, Princess of Wakanda as she meets the women of the Secret Warriors.
What’s happening:
- Fans of the animated series Marvel Rising can catch an all new episode this evening with the debut of Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri.
- The new special will introduce the character of Shuri, voiced by Daisy Lightfoot (Marvel Avengers: Black Panther’s Quest) to the Marvel Rising universe.
- Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri airs this evening at 4pm PT/7pm ET on the Marvel HQ YouTube Channel:
- “The lives of the Secret Warriors are turned upside down when faced with their latest mission: hang out with Shuri, the Crown Princess of Wakanda, and show her what it’s like to be an ordinary teenager. But nothing’s ordinary when you’re dealing with one of the smartest and most famous people on the planet.”
More Marvel Rising:
- While you’re waiting for Operation Shuri to start, read our reviews and catch up on these other great specials from Marvel HQ: