Disney Set to Loosen-Up Some Appearance Guidelines for Cast Members
The legendary policies and appearance guidelines for Cast Members of the domestic Disney Parks are about to become a little more lax, according to The OC Register.
What’s Happening:
- According to Disney, “The Disney Look is a classic look that is clean, natural, polished and professional, and avoids ‘cutting edge’ trends or extreme styles. It is designed with our costumed and non-costumed cast members in mind.”
- Later this month, what constitutes “The Disney Look” will be changing, perhaps to accommodate more current styles and/or attracting more applicants and increasing employee satisfaction.
- Costumed (Uniformed) Cast Members will now be allowed to wear one bracelet, (in addition to the already allowed classically-styled business watch) as well as a necklace that can have a pendant up to one inch in size. Prior to this, the only allowed bracelets and necklaces were only allowed if they were a medical-alert bracelet or necklace.
- According to Disney’s “Disney Look Book,” Facial hair must be fully grown in, well-maintained mustache, beard, or goatee• All facial hair (beards, goatees and mustaches) must create an overall neat, polished and professional look. • All facial hair must be fully grown in, neatly groomed and well maintained at one-fourth of an inch (approximately 6mm) in length.
- The new change now allows Cast Members to grow a beard while working (previously, facial hair growth can only take place on off-time or vacation) and allows the beards to be grown up to one inch in length.
- Disney was widely known for regulating that cast members be clean-shaven at all times, with management carrying single use razor blades, sending cast members out of sight to shave off any visible facial hair. That was until early in 2012 when the “Disney Look” was changed and allowed its cast members to arrive at work with full beards.