“Marvel’s Pull List” Teases “Wolverine #1” and Other New Comics Coming in February

Marvel released the next edition of “The Pull List”, unveiling exclusive information for titles coming to comic shops this February.

  • “The Pull List” shared details on the upcoming new titles like “Gwen Stacy,” “Falcon & Winter Soldier,” “Wolverine” and more.
  • Marvel also revealed the cover art for these upcoming issues and more:

Gwen Stacy #1

GWEN STACY #1 cover by Adam Hughes

GWEN STACY #1 cover by Adam Hughes

Gwen and Peter may not have met until AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #31, but that doesn’t mean Gwen’s life began on that page. Learn the never-before told origin of Gwen Stacy, top of her class, daughter of the Police Captain and, as her friend Harry Osborn calls her, “The Beauty Queen of Standard High.” But she’s way more that you even know! Gwen’s got a science brain, a nose for trouble and a no-quit attitude that always gets her in trouble. In the early Marvel Universe, that’s a recipe for disaster. Don’t miss Gwen, Captain Stacy, Harry and Norman Osborn, Crimemaster, Wilson Fisk, Jean DeWolff, Yuri Wantanabe and even Spider-Man!

Falcon & Winter Soldier #1

FALCON/WINTER SOLDIER #1 cover by Dan Mora

FALCON/WINTER SOLDIER #1 cover by Dan Mora

An office of dead government agents. A gifted new killer. And two ex-Captain Americas... When a dramatic attempt on the life of Bucky Barnes reunites him with Sam Wilson, the two old friends are plunged headlong into a race to uncover the new leader of Hydra before a mass casualty event announces the terror group's resurgence to the world. The clock is ticking.

X-Men + Fantastic Four #1

X-MEN/FANTASTIC FOUR #1 cover by Terry Dodson

X-MEN/FANTASTIC FOUR #1 cover by Terry Dodson

Every known mutant lives on Krakoa…except for one. And now it’s time for Franklin Richards to come home. Spinning out of the now-classic scene from “House of X #1,” we get the first big touch-point between what’s been going on in the X-titles and the rest of the Marvel Universe with this new limited series...

Conan The Barbarian #13

CONAN THE BARBARIAN #13 cover by E.M. Gist

CONAN THE BARBARIAN #13 cover by E.M. Gist

Conan finds himself in the mystical Uttara Kuru, further on the eastern border than the young barbarian has ever traveled. And with the new city comes new dangers. Unfamiliar with the language, Conan inadvertently agrees to be the latest entrant to the Great Crucible. The people of the city support their foreign champion…but what deadly traps does the Crucible hold, and what will Conan sacrifice to overcome his ordeal?

Ant-Man #1

ANT-MAN #1 cover by Eduard Petrovich

ANT-MAN #1 cover by Eduard Petrovich

The series will open with Scott Lang down on his luck and desperate for adventure until he’s looped in for a job only he can accomplish. What begins as a seemingly unheroic task for local beekeepers rapidly escalates into a conspiracy that could threaten the Earth! Throughout this journey, Ant-Man will not only have to prove himself as a hero, but as a parent to his daughter Cassie Lang as well. A Super Hero herself, Cassie will be joining her dad as Stinger as the father/daughter duo embark on this bug-filled quest together, along with many of your other favorite Marvel Super Heroes!

Wolverine #1

WOLVERINE #1 cover by Adam Kubert

WOLVERINE #1 cover by Adam Kubert

Jonathan Hickman’s bold new era for mutantkind in this all-new series starring Wolverine and his X-Men companions. Writer Benjamin Percy and legendary artist Adam Kubert bring the best there is to his new home in WOLVERINE #1.