Man Proposes To His High School Sweetheart By Inserting Themselves Into Screening of “Sleeping Beauty”
It’s not everyday you get to see your favorite film from yesteryear on the big screen, couple that with enjoying that film with the one you love and you have a special moment on your hands. One man decided to take that moment and make it even more special for his girlfriend.
Update (2/20/20):
- Following the viral sensation of their proposal video, Sthuthi and Lee were invited to share more about their unique moment on today's episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show.
- While the opportunity to discuss their engagement on national TV was pretty exciting in and of itself, Kelly and her team had a few more surprises in store for the couple and some special audience members. Take a look:
What’s Happening:
- Lee Loechler has raised the bar for men everywhere with an amazing proposal to his girlfriend, Sthuthi, that incorporated the handiwork of an illustrator, Kayla Coombs, inserting the couple into her favorite film, Sleeping Beauty.
- Sthuthi thought they were just seeing a screening of the film at a local theater, unbeknownst to her that the film’s ending had been altered to allow for Lee’s important question.
- According to Lee, he had been working with the illustrator for six months to animate himself and his high school sweetheart into the end of the film, and on December 30th, 2019, he asked her to marry him inside a theater that was secretly full of friends and family.
- Sthuthi first realized something was going on when she raised an eyebrow as a closeup of Aurora in the film looked noticeably different than what she remembered from earlier viewings, thinking something was wrong with the movie before Lee got down on one knee and began to propose.
- Unaware she was surrounded by loved ones, Sthuthi even feels bad for the audience saying “these poor people” before she processes that the entire audience knows what’s happening as the house lights come up.
- After Lee declares his biologically accurate love for Sthuthi (she is a cardiologist after all), complete with interactions with the newly-animated characters on screen, she obviously says yes and the couple begins their
happily ever after“the beginning.” - However, if you’re curious as to if she said “no,” Lee had that on-screen playback ready to go as well, showcasing all the dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in tearful sorrow, causing the audience to erupt in laughter as the alternate ending played.
- As the video ends, a picture of the newly-engaged couple is shown outside the theater where “Congratulations Sthuthi and Lee” is brightly lit across the marquee.
- We here at Laughing Place are not lawyers, but we do believe the altering of a small portion of the film might fall under the “fair use” act and is otherwise not copyright infringement. We would also like to give congratulations to Lee and Sthuthi on their new engagement, even though it is giving those of us on-staff that aren’t married yet reason to step their game up.
- Congratulations again to Lee and Sthuthi!