Mary Poppins LEGO IDEAS Set Reaches Milestone 10,000 Supporters
Mary Poppins fans and LEGO collectors should be excited about this one. A LEGO IDEA for a Mary Poppins Cherry Tree Lane LEGO set has reached the necessary milestone of 10,000 supporters to be considered for production.
- The LEGO Mary Poppins Cherry Tree Lane concept comes from LEGO IDEAS user Disneybrick 55.
- The concept reached 100 supporters in early October and took just three months to jump to 10,000.
- As a result, the project moves from the Idea stage to the Review stage, during which a "LEGO Review Board" composed of designers, product managers, and other key team members will examine the idea.
- The board will build concept models and determine if the concept meets their high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product.
- This will include factors such as playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand.
- When the process is finished, the board will make a “go” or “no go” decision on whether or not to develop a Mary Poppins Cherry Tree Lane product.
- The review will begin in May and could take several months.
- If the project receives the “go” from the review board, the development phase will take another several months before this set becomes available to the public.
About the set:
- The Mary Poppins Cherry Tree Lane set is based on the original 1964 movie.
- The set features the Banks’ home and includes details like the bedroom of the children, the living room and stairs.
- The two buildings flanking the Banks’ home are simply facades, as though it is a movie set.
- The set also features eight minifigures, including:
- Mary Poppins
- Bert
- George Banks
- Winifred Banks
- Jane Banks
- Michael Banks
- Admiral Boom
- Mr Dawes Jr.
- For more information on the prospective set, you can check out the project’s LEGO IDEAS page.