Universal Orlando Reopens to Annual Passholders with New Protocols in Place
After much anticipation, Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure opened today to annual passholders giving everyone a look at the new procedures and protocols that have been implemented as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Attractions and Signage
Upon entering the parks, you’ll notice an influx of A-Frame signage encouraging hand washing and hand sanitizing, with locations nearby listed where you can do that. A-Frames have also been placed outside attractions designating if the attraction is open, or if you need to join the virtual queue. The open signage also explains the changes made to seating arrangements in the attraction, especially helpful for those accustomed to the way things were before.
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In terms of actual queuing, labels have been applied to the floor in every attraction and some shops that designate the area for the parties to stand. These labels occur every 6 feet, with team members also in the queue to make sure the line keeps moving while also enforcing the social distance. This is also especially helpful in darkened queues with blind corners where guests might not be able to see the parties ahead of them, like Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride, Reign of Kong, and Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure. These team members are also continuously wiping down rails and surfaces that guests might be touching.
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Also of note, the pre-shows at some attractions like E.T. Adventure and Men In Black: Alien Attack have been removed for the time being. Guests will now move immediately through the rooms and into the main queue.
Face Coverings/Masks
In some of the pictures above, you may have noticed the team members wearing masks. These are now required at all times for team members and guests, along with a temperature check. Team members have their check performed backstage, but guests must go through theirs before going through the security portal into CityWalk. Those that don’t have masks, or just want a new one, have the option to purchase at several locations throughout the resort, including the small shop just outside of the Security check.
Even though face coverings are required, there are new U-Rest areas scattered throughout the resort (two in each of the parks and one in CityWalk) where you can sit down spaced far enough from someone else and remove your mask. Masks can also be removed while dining at restaurants, and after a guest is safely secured on a water ride (e.g. Jurassic Park River Adventure), but must immediately be put back on before going back into the streets of the park. Masks are also required on the provided transportation to Volcano Bay, but are only highly recommended when not in the water or any water attractions at Volcano Bay.
Entertainment Offerings
Masks are also required for performers in some entertainment offerings. The singers and other entertainment on the small stage outside of Hogwarts at Islands of Adventure all perform while wearing masks. Despite the social distancing efforts though, it seemed Universal has all of their entertainment offerings in some form. Characters like Po (Kung Fu Panda) and King Julian (Madagascar) appear on the bridges in the Port of Entry waving to guests below. Other characters at ground level are put on a platform for guests to approach with distance between them for photos. Places to stand are now labeled for guests to take photos and wait for photos. Some characters with their own vehicles, like the Simpsons, remain in their RV to greet guests from afar. The Scooby-Doo Characters can also be seen sans their Mystery Machine at the stage in front of Mel’s. Hello Kitty also hangs out on the lawn in front of her store, while guests stay on the sidewalks. The Transformers character meet and greet remains largely unchanged, as guests were already required to keep their distance from the Autobots and Decepticons.
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A temporary stage has been set up in front of the Pantages Theater (Home of the Universal Horror Make-Up Show) for the Marilyn Monroe street show that earlier took place near Revenge of the Mummy: The Ride, as well as Beetlejuice who appears throughout the day to “welcome” guests. One of the favorite new character encounters is Doc Brown sitting on his time-traveling train near Animal Actors Live!, far enough away but still close enough to guests to remind them that we control our own destiny and the future is what we make of it.
The shows that were briefly mentioned above also have labels on the ground marking where guests can stand to watch the entertainment. This also includes the Blues Brothers show in the New York area of the park, as well as the live drum show near Fast and the Furious: Supercharged. The parade floats of Universal’s Superstar Parade also make their way through the parade route individually and periodically throughout the day. There are no show stops, but provides a nice opportunity for guests to see and wave to some of their favorite characters.
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On paper, it seems like the park experience has been drastically altered and things will never be the same again. However, in practice, these new guidelines and protocols are quick to get used to and once acclimated, barely affect the tone of your day at the park.