Dan LeBatard and Stugotz to Offer Podcast-Exclusive Content in Addition to Daily Radio Show
Starting next week, ESPN’s Dan LeBatard and Stugotz will be offering fans additional podcast-exclusive content prior to and following their ESPN Radio daily show.
What’s Happening:
- Starting Monday, August 17, fans of Dan LeBatard and Stugotz on ESPN Radio can listen to new daily podcast-exclusive content.
- Each day, two new offerings will be posted. A new digital-only episode will be recorded and posted before their 10 am – noon ET national radio show. Following the radio program, Dan and Stugotz will record more thoughts and ramblings as a digital-only “post-game show.”
- In addition, each hour of the radio show – as well as their local hour heard in Miami – will continue to be available as podcasts.
What They’re Saying:
- Tom Ricks, ESPN Audio’s vice president, digital marketing and strategy: “Dan and Stugotz already have a large digital-only audience, and we wanted to better serve that audience with exclusive podcast content. They are a unique show on sports radio and now their podcast listeners will get more unique podcast content each day.”