New Halloween Merchandise Materializes at Magic Kingdom’s Emporium at Walt Disney World

As the spooky season approaches, the shelves of the stores at Walt Disney World switch out and now prominently feature some Halloween merchandise. Today, we took a walk around the Magic Kingdom and stepped into the Emporium on Main Street USA and spotted some of this year’s latest and greatest goodies to celebrate All Hallows’ Eve.

We start off with a bright onesie for those “Lil’ pumpkins” out there, featuring a giant Mickey jack-o-lantern, similar to what sits at the end of Main Street USA this time of year at DIsneyland, but here on merchandise at Walt Disney World. The onesie sells for $24.99.

Of course, we also need some seasonal plush to cuddle up to when the frights begin later in the season, and here we have a festive Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse plush, as well as a soft and cuddly Mickey Mouse jack-o-lantern with the words “Hey Pumpkin” embroidered on one side. The plush ranges in price from $22.99 - $24.99

Later in the season, a tote might prove handy to carry around all sorts of treats, and luckily we have this one featuring the face of a frightened Mickey Mouse for $19.99

Some home decor is always needed this time of year as well, and luckily for us we can get into the fun with some home items, including a light-up sign prominently featuring Mickey’s Halloween Trick or Treat Candy Company ($39.99), and  Minnie’s Sweet Spells & Bewitching Bites adorning some kitchen towels ($21.99) and aprons ($34.99). There is also a Mickey Jack-o-lantern votive for $19.99.

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The same pattern featured on the apron is even carried over to a pair of Crocs which are selling for $54.99

The spirit of a spooky Minnie Mouse is also carried over to a new Minnie Ear headband, and even a mug (24.99) where her witches’ hat is inspired by a perennial halloween favorite, candy corn.

Speaking of Halloween spirits, of course there has to be brand new Spirit Jerseys to celebrate the season, and we have two. An adult version that features “Walt Disney World” shaped across the backside spelled out in treats and goodies for $69.99 and a brighter orange youth version that is similar with the coloring of the letters being the main difference for $49.99

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Spirit Jersey not your choice of apparel? Don’t worry. There are also new shirts and hoodies for adults and children.

The women’s shirt is $36.99, with the hoodie being $54.99. The grey youth shirt starts at 19.99 with the youth shirt/tu-tu combo $59.99.

Perfect for lounging and watching those scary movies this fall, we also found a pair of leggings for $39.99

This time of year can also call for tricks, treats, and trading. Pins that is! And these festive pins range in price from $9.99 to $14.99

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Of course, this is all celebrating Halloween, and we’re counting the days. Are you? You can easily with this candy-corn castle themed countdown display featuring Mickey and Minnie for $49.99

Again, all of this merchandise was spotted at Magic Kingdom’s Emporium on Main Street USA. It is anticipated that it will appear at other stores on property as well. Happy Halloween!

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