Star Wars Celebration Merchandise Available to General Public For First Time
Though the Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim has been cancelled this year, for the first time ever, Star Wars Celebration Merchandise will be made available to the general public at launch.
What’s Happening:
- Nothing can replace the fun of being together with all of the amazing Star Wars Celebration fans from around the world, but that doesn’t mean we have to miss out on some of the things that Celebration has to offer.
- For the first time ever, Celebration is introducing the Star Wars Celebration Exclusive Merchandise Store.
- Starting Monday, August 31st at 12 Noon Eastern, Star Wars Celebration exclusive merchandise, including Shirts, Hats, Pins, Collectibles, and more will be available.
- As a thank you exclusively for fans who purchased a ticket over the original 2020 event dates, Celebration invites you to enjoy 3 days of early access to The Star Wars Celebration Exclusive Merchandise Store. The early access period for original event date ticket holders will officially begin on Friday, August 28 at 12 noon Eastern.
- All Star Wars Celebration 2020 ticket holders received an email on Thursday, August 28 with how to set up your early access credentials. Note: all fans who purchased a ticket over the original 2020 event dates are able to enjoy this exclusive benefit, even if you requested a refund
- This year’s Star Wars Celebration pin set features artwork by renowned artist Danny Haas, and features over 50 beloved characters from throughout the Star Wars galaxy. See below for the characters that have been revealed thus far – and check back for more details. Additional pins will be revealed, and released for sale, throughout the remainder of 2020.
- Merchandise features event logos, a celebration of the 40th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, and other fun designs and collectible items.
- Here are a few of our favorite items:
The Mandalorian Pin Set & T-Shirt Combo
The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary 3/4 Sleeve Baseball Shirt
- You can view the complete set of merchandise that will be available beginning August 31st, here.