Marvel Shares Additional Variant Covers for “Women of Marvel #1” Launching April 21st
With just a few weeks until its debut, Marvel has revealed even more variant covers for the upcoming Women of Marvel #1.
What’s Happening:
- This April, Women Of Marvel #1 will spotlight iconic characters from the X-Men to the Avengers in a collection of tales by an all-female lineup of incredible talent from throughout the entertainment industry.
- With today marking International Women’s Day, Marvel has revealed new variant covers and shared more details about the upcoming special.
- Women Of Marvel #1 will feature tales from new and established creators including:
- Louise Simonson
- Nadia Shammas
- Elsa Sjunneson
- Sophie Campbell
- Anne Toole
- Natasha Alterici
- Mariko Tamaki
- In addition, Zoraida Córdova will be making her Marvel Comics debut with an action-packed story about the deadliest woman in the galaxy, Gamora!
- Joined by Swedish artist Maria Fröhlich – also making her Marvel debut – Zoraida puts Gamora in the crosshairs of her most lethal enemy yet: love.
- This oversized issue will be a spectacular showcase of some of the most amazing talent in the graphic novel industry today with astonishing art from:
- Kei Zama
- Eleonora Carlini
- Skylar Patridge
- Joanna Estep
- Maria Fröhlich
- Peach Momoko
- Rachael Stott
- Nina Vakueva
- Marika Cresta
- June Brigman
- Women Of Marvel #1 hits stands on April 21st!
Women Of Marvel #1
Main Cover by Sara Pichelli
Variant Cover by Amanda Conner with colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Variant Cover by Peach Momoko
Variant Cover by Maria Wolf with colors by Mike Spicer