runDisney has released a video to kick-off the 2021 Virtual Star Wars Rival Run Weekend, which takes place April 15th to 18th.
What’s Happening:
- Faron Kelley, Vice President of runDisney, appears in a new video to promote the 2021 Virtual Star Wars Rival Run Weekend.
- The 2021 Virtual Star Wars Rival run Weekend will be held from April 15th to 18th and tickets for the virtual event are sold out.
- While talking about the race, which allowed participants to choose which side of the force they’re on, Faron gets asked to keep it down by Vi Moradi, who is hiding from Storm Troopers.
- This is also the “Final chapter” in the Star Wars Rival Run saga.
- In the video, Faron also thanks the sponsors of the event which include Otterbox, Advent Health, Citizen, Dannon, Dasani and GoGo Squeeze.
- He also mentions that Make-A-Wish of Central and Northern Florida is the chosen charity for this race.
- You can learn more about the event at the official website.