Get A Sneak Peek Of “Marvel’s Captain America: The First 80 Years” Now Available At Bookstores Everywhere
Steve Rogers, the Star-Spangled Man with the Plan, first appeared in CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS #1 in March 1941. In celebration of the 80th anniversary of Cap's first appearance, Titan Publishing is releasing Marvel's Captain America: The First 80 Years, which is now available everywhere books are sold.
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What’s Happening:
- Titan Publishing has given a look at the new Marvel’s Captain America: The First 80 Years, now available wherever books are sold.
- Marvel's Captain America: The First 80 Years covers the milestones in the creation of the comic book adventures of the Super Soldier, featuring covers, comic art, behind-the-scenes facts and information about the authors and artists who brought the legend to life!
- This deluxe volume explores Captain America's adventures decade by decade from his inception to the modern symbol of justice he is today. With vintage art from the Marvel vaults and profiles of the creators behind the icon, this special tribute presents a unique guide to one of Marvel's most enduring heroes.
- In addition to the main hardcover above, Titan Publishing is releasing exclusive versions of Marvel's Captain America: The First 80 Years with comic retailers.
- Take a look at the pages above, and be sure to order your copy of Marvel’s Captain America: The First 80 Years below!
Marvel’s Captain America: The First 80 Years (Marvel Comics: Captain America)