Story Changes and More at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto
Jeremiah is over at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort enjoying a Krakatoa (or two) over at the reopened Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto and noticed a few changes that have occurred including an update to the Grog Grotto story and the removal of the shrunken heads.

New Story (2021)

New Story (2021)
You can check out the new story above which reads:
“Aloha, ahoy, aha!
Welcome to the mystery, romance, and adventure of Trader Sam’s Grog lucky people, you.
Many Years ago, legendary explorer Trader Sam was bitten by the bartending bug (initially we thought it was just a big mosquito).
Sam set sail and searched the Amazon, Congo, Vulcania, Polynesia, and every exotic locale in-between for ingredients to mix into these magical libations. Along the way, collecting many of the items you see around you - souvenirs and gifts from all over the globe.
Upon landing here on the shores of the Seven Seas Lagoon, our seafaring friend established this happy hideaway for all to enjoy.
So welcome aboard..ashore..or wherever you are! Cheers! Cowabunga! Tulleeho! Kanpai! Suck ‘em up! Kungaloosh! And above all, relax and enjoy the time you spend with us here at the world-famous Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto.
Head Mechanic & Drink Slinger, Jungle Navigational Company Ltd.
p.s. It is taboo when toucan drink from the same straw.
p.p.s. Steer clear of the tottering columns and thirsty cephalopods.”

Previous Story (pre 2021)
And here is the original story, which mentions head-shrinking potions, trading heads, and an original job of manager for Skip. There are a bunch of other small updates done to the story you can check out from the original below.
“Aloha, ahoy, aha! And welcome to the mystery, romance, and adventure of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto. Here, on the shores of paradise, our seafaring friend established this happy hideaway for all to enjoy!!
Who is this Trader Sam? Why, as head salesman of the jungle, Sam has always been ready to trade two of his heads for just one of yours! His expertise in head-shrinking potions magically grew into an interest in mixology.
Bitten by the bartending bug (just one of the thousands he’s been bitten by), Sam sailed the Seven Seas. Countless tropical locales were explored for mystical ingredients to mix into his delectable libations. Along the way he picked up many of the trinkets and artifacts (and barnacles) that you see around here.
In the tiki bar business, it’s a jungle out there. But once Trader Sam began serving his exotic elixirs to his guests, the word really spread! So welcome aboard..ashore..or wherever you are! Cheers! Cowabunga! Tulleeho! Kanpai! Suck ‘em up! Kungaloosh! And above all, relax and enjoy the time you spend with us here at the world-famous Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto.
Manager, Jungle Cruise Navigational Company
P.S. It is taboo when toucan drink from the same straw.
P.P.S. Steer clear of the tottering columns and thirsty cephalopods.”

Before (pre 2021)

After (2021)
Aside from the story updates, it looks like the shrunken heads are now completely gone, although they can still be heard when ordering a Zombie drink.
Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is now open over at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort at Walt Disney World.