“Spider-Man” Trilogy Director Jon Watts Exits New “Fantastic Four” Movie
Director of Marvel and Sony’s latest Spider-Man trilogy, Jon Watts, has exited as director of the new Fantastic Four movie, according to Deadline.
What’s Happening:
- Watt’s most recent film was the extremely popular Spider-Man: No Way Home, which grossed $1.89 billion, becoming the sixth highest grossing film of all-time.
- According to Deadline, Watts just needs a break from the superhero realm after completing the Spidey trilogy with Tom Holland and Zendaya.
- He had expected to make Fantastic Four his next film, the third feature iteration of that franchise and first since Disney acquired Fox, which controlled the franchise.
- Both Watts and Marvel confirmed his exit, and said that it is amicable.
- Sony and its Spider-Man producers have made it clear they expect to reunite Watts with Holland and Zendaya to continue the series. Watts hasn’t officially dropped out of that franchise, but if it were to happen, it does sound like it would be down the road.
What They’re Saying:
- Kevin Feige, president, Marvel Studios and Louis D’Esposito, co-president, Marvel Studios, said: “Collaborating with Jon on the Spider-Man films has been a true pleasure. We were looking forward to continuing our work with him to bring the Fantastic Four into the MCU but understand and are supportive of his reasons for stepping away. We are optimistic that we will have the opportunity to work together again at some point down the road.”
- Jon Watts said: “Making three Spider-Man films was an incredible and life changing experience for me. I’m eternally grateful to have been a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for seven years. I’m hopeful we’ll work together again and I can’t wait to see the amazing vision for Fantastic Four brought to life.”