Storytelling at the Royal Theatre Returns Today at Disneyland

According to The Orange County Register, following a two year hiatus, live storytelling shows are returning to the Royal Theatre at Disneyland’s Fantasy Faire today, April 29th.

What’s Happening:

  • The Storytelling at the Royal Theatre shows feature the thespian duo of Mr. Smythe and Mr. Jones who put on 20-minute versions of Beauty and the Beast and Tangled.
  • During their respective shows, Belle and Rapunzel & Flynn join the storytelling.
  • The “surprise” Royal Theatre shows won’t appear on the Disneyland app or printed show schedules for the first few days of performances. That means visitors won’t know which show will be presented — or at what time — until they walk up to the covered outdoor theater.

  • Royal Theatre show times will begin appearing in the Disneyland app in the next few days after the “surprise and delight” soft reopening of the venue comes to an end.
  • The Royal Theatre has been used as a Disney princess meet-and-greet photo op location during the past year since Disneyland reopened in April 2021 after a 412-day pandemic closure of the parks.
  • Disney princesses moved back into the Royal Hall across from the Royal Theatre earlier this month when up-close character encounters returned to Disneyland.
  • Below are a few photos from the Tangled show taken today, thanks to our own Mike Celestino:

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