Chris Hemsworth’s Daughter, India, Stars in “Thor: Love and Thunder”
One of the best things about Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder is the incredible cast, which delivers some amazing performances. One of those performances comes from a very unexpected source: Chris Hemsworth’s daughter, India.
Thor: Love and Thunder spoilers ahead
- Marvel shared an interview with Taika Waititi, Christian Bale and Hemsworth regarding India’s work on the film.
- Waititi described what it was like working with the young actor:
- “She was really good. She's really an active kid and she's very smart and very confident, you know, as you can imagine only Chris's kids can be."
- Waititi also explained that the idea for the ending of the film was actually Hemsowrh’s idea, who just thought it might be fun to do a scene opposite his daughter:
- “It just felt like a really nice way of finishing the film with Chris and his daughter and that being Love and Thunder."
- Hemsworth shared his thoughts on what it was like to work with his daughter in that scene:
- “It was just like when I'm at home, trying to tell her to do anything, she's like, pfft, no, I'll do it my way. And power to her, good on her, because she did an incredible job."
- Bale told Marvel he was impressed with India’s performance:
- “We have a fair few scenes where, you know, it can get quite sad. I remember poor little thing at one point, I was doing a scene, and then I had to hold her, and tears dropped. I think one hit her on the face, and she was like ooh noo. I look, and like she's going to chuck up, and I don't blame her, poor little thing. But she was absolutely magnificent."
- Hemsworth did point out that there was one scene India had an issue with:
- “She had to kiss Gorr on the top of the head [and she didn’t want to]. She goes, ‘No, his head's all sticky,’ because he had the prosthetic makeup and stuff. So she did a kiss and did it, like, a couple of inches away from his head. I was like, you can't use that! Christian was laughing, we were laughing, it was great."
- Bale made sure everyone knows that Hemsworth was very present while India was working on the film:
- “Chris was a wonderfully attentive dad, just off-camera all the time, just checking she was all right, giving me thumbs up, me giving him thumbs up, checking. It was really endearing seeing the two of them. He sort of let her be, and she did it herself."
- Finally, Hemsworth opened up about his thoughts on having his family there for his latest Thor adventure:
- “I love the ownership the kids have in moments like that. It's a good reminder, all of it, for all of us just to stay true to who you are and not get caught up in the self-importance of it all. [Kids] really bring you back to Earth and ground the whole experience."
You can see Thor: Love and Thunder in theaters now.