Photos: Holiday Decorations Appear Along Sunset Blvd. at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, as decorations have been installed along Sunset Blvd.

These festive stars, reminiscent of decorations you might find in the real Hollywood almost 100 years ago, line all along Sunset Blvd.

Holiday festivities at Disney’s Hollywood Studios will include:

  • ​Santa Claus cruising down Hollywood Boulevard in his candy-apple red convertible at Disney’s Hollywood Studios during the Santa Claus Merry Motorcade.
  • Gaze in wonder as the Hollywood Tower Hotel is transformed nightly by holiday projections during Sunset Seasons Greetings, alternating with the Beacon of Magic.
  • A festive finale featuring Olaf at For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.
  • Dazzling holiday decor

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