Social Reaction Roundup: Fans Share First Thoughts on “Avatar: The Way of Water”
The long-awaited and highly anticipated Avatar: The Way of Water has finally been seen by some and they are sharing their thoughts on social media.
The overwhelming majority of social media reactions to Avatar: The Way of Water are positive. Many took the chance to praise the filmmaking capabilities of James Cameron.
While the biggest critique of the first film is the lack of a compelling plot, many are saying the sequel delivers on that front.
Of course, not everyone was totally on board with the new film. Some of the complaints include another weak story and too many characters.
One of the things that is pretty consistently mentioned, as you may have noticed, is the staggering runtime of the film, which clocks in at three hours and 12 minutes.
The biggest takeaway from these reactions seems to be: if you loved the first film, you’ll love this one too.
Avatar: The Way of Water will debut in theaters on December 16th, 2022.