Jon Landau and James Cameron Reveal New Details About Upcoming “Avatar” Sequels

Avatar producer Jon Landau and director James Cameron teased new details, confirming some speculation, about the upcoming sequels in a new interview, according to Variety.

What’s Happening:

  • Avatar: The Way of Water producer Jon Landau is reportedly revealing more details regarding what fans can expect from the next three Avatar films, with director James Cameron also sharing more details as well.
  • This was all revealed in a new interview with Empire Magazine, where Cameron and Landau were teasing a new, antagonistic race of Na’vi, with Landau calling the group as the Ash People.
  • In the Empire interview, they are described as an “an aggressive, volcanic race," with their leader, Varang, set to be played by Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter, Oona Chaplin, who was previously seen in Game of Thrones.
  • Chaplin’s casting had been previously known, but this confirms that she will be playing the leader of the antagonistic Ash People. Previously, Chaplin had commended Cameron’s filmmaking, calling it “Trojan Horse Cinema" in that he uses big budget films to explore themes he finds important, “like our relationship with nature, our relationship with people, our relationship with ourselves and the spirit."
  • Landau also confirmed a “big time jump" in the Empire interview, that will take place in Avatar 4 and lead into Avatar 5, which was also mentioned to take place partially on Earth.
  • In Avatar lore, Earth is dying, which is why the Resources Development Administration (RDA) had come to Pandora to create a new home for humans. Landau mentioned in the interview, “there’s over-population and a depletion of our natural resources that make life harder… But we don’t want to paint a bleak picture for where our world is going, the films are also about the idea that we can change course."
  • Currently, Avatar: The Way of Water is playing in theaters everywhere, and continues to dominate the box office worldwide, currently sitting as the fourth-highest grossing movie of all time.

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