Photos: Tiana’s Food Signs Added, Splash Mountain Signs Removed as Transformation Into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Continues
The transformation of Splash Mountain into Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is well underway at the Magic Kingdom. Let’s check in and see what’s new at the construction site.
New signs for the employee-owned cooperative, Tiana’s Foods, have been added to the construction walls in front of the attraction. Combining her talents with those of the local community, Tiana has transformed an aging salt mine and built a beloved brand.
Scaffolding is up all throughout the attraction as it is transformed from Chick-a-Pin Hill into a salt mine.
The sign for the Briar Patch gift shop has been removed.
Over at the former entrance to Splash Mountain, the main attraction sign, as well as the statues of Brer Rabbit, Fox and Bear, have been removed.
The Splash Mountain sign at the entrance to the barn is still in place at the moment.
Some sections of the thematic rockwork are being reworked.
Of course, the water has been completely drained from the attraction and more scaffolding is in place.
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is set to open at the Magic Kingdom in Late 2024.