New on the Marvel Unlimited app from the Infinity Comics lineup: In “Marvel’s Voices: Runaways #58,” the first chapter in a new six-part story arc, light-powered extraterrestrial Karolina Dean goes on a mission to fix her fading powers…far away from her Runaways family. Marvel shared a look at the new Infinity comic.
- Thankfully, she’s not alone in space. Joining up with the Light Brigade, a (former) military force from the Majesdane home world, Karolina encounters new threats and pushes herself to the outer limits to discover just what she’s made of…and where she comes from.
- Start this new story from writer Terry Blas, penciller Bruno Oliveira, and colorist Dee Cunniffe now, and read new chapters of “Marvel’s Voices: Runaways” each Wednesday only on the Marvel Unlimited app.
- Check out a first look below:
What they’re saying:
- Writer Terry Blas: “I was so happy being paired with Bruno again. I love what he did with our Nova story and since we included our character Ambris in this series (as well as her pet Mim), there was a shorthand with the script since he was already familiar with her. Bruno utilizes the format of these Infinity Comics so well and really takes advantage of it to great effect. One of my new favorite characters is the Resillian, Goebig, who Josh Trujillo created for his ‘Hulkling & Wiccan” Infinity Comic series. I was excited to include Goebig so I could see Bruno draw him.”
- Artist: Bruno Oliveira: “I love working with Terry! Our Nova [story] was such a breath of fresh air. I think Terry is the king of character interactions and most people don’t understand how rare that is. With just a few lines of dialogue he can expose some deep tension between the characters that feel like it’s been happening for years. A joke between specific characters can feel like they bonded in a way that’s deeper than what we’re seeing. These stories aren’t very long so you need to be able to tell a lot with few lines that will hit exactly where you need it. I hope we get to work together again!”