The Slumber Party is a Disney Original Movie, based on the teen novel, The Sleepover by Jen Malone. It premieres on July 27 on Disney Channel and the next day, July 28, on Disney+. Disney Channel shared on their YouTube page a scene from the movie. Would you be able to complete the Onion Munch Challenge?
What’s Happening:
- Would you be able to complete the Onion Munch Challenge?!
- Watch the Onion Munch scene from Disney's new movie The Slumber Party.
- The Slumber Party depicts the hilarious aftermath of a sleepover birthday party – hypnotism gone wrong as best friends Megan and Paige, along with soon-to-be stepsister Veronica, wake up with absolutely no memory of the night before.
- Now, they must retrace their steps to find missing birthday girl Anna Maria…and explain why there's a flock of baby ducks in the bathtub, what happened to Megan's eyebrow, and why she's wearing unattainable hottie Jake Ramirez's signature black hoodie.